
All places in school will be given according to our school Admissions Policy.

First of all, please check you are in our catchment area:

Please read on for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

If you then have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on  01234 261768 or email us on

Starting School

Starting Date: the beginning of September before your child turns 5 years old. In UK law, school attendance is compulsory from term in which your child turns 5 years old.

What classes do you have?

The main school has one class per year group, from Reception to Year 6. This means we have children aged 4 to 11 years old.

Class Size: We have 26 spaces in each class.

When can I apply?

Applications open in October and close mid January.

How do I apply?

All applications are made to Bedford Borough Council. Click on the button below to go to Bedford Borough website.

What if I move to Priory Primary School’s catchment area during the year?

You need to apply for an in-year place – see below.

My child goes to Priory Primary Nursery class – will I automatically get a place?

No. You will need to apply for a school place as above. Places are allocated according to the Admissions Policy.

My child did not get a place, what can we do?

You have the right to appeal to Bedford Borough Council. You are also asked if you wish to go on our waiting list for places. We cannot tell you when a place will be available.

My child has been given a place at your school – what happens next?

You will receive a letter from Priory Primary School in April, explaining everything about starting school with us.

In-Year Admissions

Are you moving to Bedford and already have a primary school-age child? If you are coming to live in our catchment area, there is a chance we have a place for you, so use this link to apply through Bedford Borough Council. Make sure you choose a second and third choice school (consider the other local schools in our LEAP Community Trust – Livingstone Primary and Edith Cavell Primary Schools). If we are full, Bedford Borough will find a place in your other choice schools, or if you haven’t made other choices, will select the nearest school with spaces for you.

Nursery Admissions

Starting Date: beginning of September after your child’s 3rd birthday. Pupils are not admitted during the year except in special circumstances.

What is your Nursery provision?

Open: 15 hours per week for children aged 3 to 4 years old.

Class Size: 24

Sept to Feb 12 places in the morning / 12 places in the afternoon

Feb to July the two sessions combine to be 24 places in the morning only.

When can I apply?

You can apply any time for Nursery, from any age, but there is a closing date at the end of March.  

How do I apply?

You can come into school to pick up an application form, or download it here. We are also happy to post out admissions forms to you, please contact the school office on 01234 261768.

When will I know if my child has a place?

We will send you a letter by the first week in May.

What if I move to the area after September?

You can still apply for a Nursery place but if the class is full, we will ask if you want to go on the waiting list. You should look for places in other nurseries and we will get in touch if a place comes available later in the year.

Does a place in Nursery mean that my child gets a place in the main school Reception class?

No. You will need to apply for a school place and there is no guarantee that you will get a place. See below for our admissions Policy.

Priory Primary School
(01234) 261 768