Values & Ethos

This term’s focus value is PERSEVERENCE – a great one to focus on for New Year’s Resolutions.

Priory Primary School provides and promotes a learning environment that is values-based. This means that our values are embedded in the way we teach and learn, in our curriculum, in our policies (such as behaviour, equality, anti-bullying) and in our daily interactions with each other. If you join or visit our school you will experience our welcoming and inclusive ethos, and see the values of hard work, honesty, mutual respect and care for each other.

The school community reviews and agrees a number of named values to focus on throughout the year, and this becomes a focus in class, in assembly and in celebration. It encourages pupils to explore the meaning of the value and their personal response as they seek to make choices and take action in their school life.

In 2021, pupils and parents voted for the following Values to be our focus for the next few years:

Gratitude – Respect – Friendship – Honesty – Perseverance – Equality – Compassion – Trust

“If we only had rules and no values… then
people might follow the rules but not
really mean it. Their heart is not in it.
Values show that we do things and we
mean it, deep down.”

School Councillor
Priory Primary School
(01234) 261 768